Monday, November 10, 2014

What is Body by Vi

What is Body By Vi?

Transform your Life with the ViSalus Body by Vi™ 90-Day Challenge!

The ViSalus Body by Vi™ 90 day Challenge is for Everybody and Every BODY! Fast, easy and affordable, 90 Days to a New YOU!
ViSalus™ is challenging the world to look at health differently… We challenge YOU to make your health a priority for at least 90 days using our Body by Vi™ Challenge.
ViSalus is committed to championing Life, Health and Prosperity around the world - supporting people to achieve whatever personal victories they set their mind to.
So for anyone who's up for the Challenge, we're providing huge rewards! Offering 3 unique Challenge themes every year and crowning Champions and Finalists in 6 categories... ViSalus is offering over $25,000,000 a year in free products, prizes, and vacations for those with the best 90-day transformations.


At less than $2 a meal, the Body by Vi™ Challenge helps you save money and get healthy at the same time. Because each kit centers around the Vi-Shape meal replacement shake, you won't be adding any additional cost to your budget. You're simply taking the money you currently spend on eating out and grocery bills and putting it toward a simpler, faster, and much healthier option! Think about all the money you spend on fast food and unhealthy meals that just get you OUT of shape... Don't you think it's time to make your health the priority it should be?

Get your Product for FREE!

On top of saving money on food bills, ViSalus has a program called Refer 3, Get Your Next Month Free! That's right, just help 3 Customers purchase a Challenge Kit of equal or greater value to your own, and your product can be free. Maintain 3, and your products are always FREE! Not only does "free" fit every budget, but it's always more fun to lose weight and get in shape with friends!
Who do you know right now that may want to lose a few pounds, build some lean muscle, or maybe just focus on their health with you for 90 days? I bet you know more than 3... so you can earn your product for FREE!

Here's how it works...

It's SIMPLE! It's as easy as setting a 90 day goal and choosing which of the (5) ViSalus Body by Vi™ Challenge Kits fits with your goal... then let the products do the rest!
Vi-Shape® shake mix is included in each of the (5) Body by Vi™ Challenge Kits. We call it the "shake mix that tastes like a cake mix," and when you see how this complete meal compares to other nutritional shakes out there, you'll soon see why so many people are achieving their goals on this Challenge...

Promote The Challenge

Get Paid to help others!
How many people do you know right now that want to lose a little weight or get in shape? What about people who could use an extra few hundred or few thousand dollars each month? Why not share the Challenge with them and earn income weekly, monthly, or even get a new BMW for doing so?!
For those who really love promoting the Challenge, ViSalus has created a career path where people can earn spare-time, part-time, or full-time income by simply sharing the Challenge with others. There are over 25 new people a day qualifying for new BMWs just for promoting the Challenge!
The Challenge is attracting a very diverse group of promoters, including college students, nationwide gym chains, stay at home parents, fitness legends, retired couples, celebrities, business executives, professional athletes, and everyone in between.
Who wouldn't want to save money on food, make a little extra income helping people get healthy, and get their car payment covered by ViSalus?
The Challenge is not as much about what we have to lose, but more about what we have to gain in the process.

Join the Challenge Promote the Challenge

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