I am always looking for these dates, so I figured I would make a little collection of my own that I can add to as I come across them
List of U.S. and International Observance Dates
Jump To: Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - June - July - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
Awareness Dates for January
Awareness Month For:
Alzheimer Awareness Month - Canada - Alzheimer Society
Awareness Month Awareness Month
Celebration of Life Month
Codependency Awareness Month (National) - (dianejellen.com/national-codependency-awareness-month/)
Constipation awareness month, National
Glaucoma Awareness Month, National
Ontario March of Dimes Month - Canada
Poverty in America Awareness Month, National - according to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Radon Action Month, National - US Environmental Protection Agency
Self-Help Group Awareness Month - according to the Mental Health Clearinghouse
Volunteer Blood Donor Month, National
Awareness Day:
January 1 - Global Family Day - formerly One Day of Peace and Sharing (Recognized by the UN)
January 1 - World Day of Peace - established by pope Paul VI in his letter dated on 8.12.1967
January 4 - World Braille Day - International
January 24 - Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day - Globally each year. Professor Paul Julius Moebius first diagnosed the condition in 1888.
January 27 - Family Literacy Day - ABC Life Literacy Canada
January 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Recognized by the UN)
Awareness Week For:
3rd Wk - National Non-Smoking Week - Canada - Canadian Council on Smoking and Health
3rd Wed - Weedless Wednesday - Canada - Canadian Council on Smoking and Health
Awareness Dates for February
Awareness Month For:
Heart & Stroke Month - National - Heart and Stroke Foundation
Human Relations Month
International Mother Language Day Month
National Boost-Your-Self-Esteem Month
Awareness Day:
February 2 - Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day
February 4 - World Cancer Day
February 4 - World Cancer Day; International - International Union Against Cancer
February 6 - International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
February 11 - World Day of the Sick, an observance day instituted by pope John Paul II
February 12 - Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day - Canadian Federation for Sexual Health
February 12 - International Day of Women's Health - Canadian Foundation for Women's Health
February 14 - Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day - Canada - Children's Heart Society
February 15 - International Childhood Cancer Day - Interational - Childhood Cancer Foundation
February 20 - World Day of Social Justice (Recognized by the UN)
February 21 - International Mother Language Day (Recognized by the UN)
Awareness Week For:
1st Wk - Eating Disorder Awareness Week; National; National Eating Disorder Information Centre
1st Wk - International Development Week; National; CIDA
1st Wk - National Therapeutic Recreation Week; National; Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association
1st Wk - White Cane Week; National; Canadian Council of the Blind
2nd Wk - World Orphan Week; International; SOS Children's Villages Canada
Last Wed - Pink Shirt Day (Anti-bullying) - Canada - Pink Shirt Day
Awareness Dates for March
Awareness Month For:
American Red Cross Month
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month - Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada
DVT(Deep Vein Thrombosis) Prevention Awareness Month
Developmental Disabilities Month
Epilepsy Month - Epilepsy Canada
Easter Seals Month - Ontario - Easter Seals Society
Foot Health Month
Help Fight Liver Disease Month - Canadian Liver Foundation
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month - Canada - The Arthritis Society
Kidney Month - Kidney Foundation of Canada
National Self-Injury Awareness Month
National Social Workers Month
National Color Therapy Month
National Caffeine Awareness Month
Polio Awareness Month - Polio Canada
Red Cross Month - Canadian Red Cross
U.S. National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month
Awareness Day:
March 1 - Self-Injury Awareness Day
March 8 - United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace (Recognized by the UN)
March 8 - International Women's Day (Recognized by the UN)
March 12 - World Glaucoma Day
March 14 - International Day of Action for Rivers
March 21 - World Down Syndrome Day
March 24 - International Day for Achievers, World Tuberculosis Day (Recognized by the UN)
March 25 - U.S. National Cerebral Palsy Awareness day
March 26 - Purple Day for Epilepsy
Awareness Week For:
1st Wk - Pharmacy Awareness Week - Canadian Pharmacists Association
1st Wk - Lymphedema Awareness Week - BC Lymphedema Association
1st Wk - World Glaucoma Awareness Week - World Glaucoma Week
2nd Wk - Canadian Agricultural Safety Week - Canadian Federation of Agriculture
2nd Wk - National Social Work Week - Canadian Association of Social Workers
3rd Wk - Crisis Line Awareness Week - BC Crisis Line Association
Awareness Dates for April
Awareness Month For:
Alcohol Awareness Month
American Cancer Society Month
Community Service Month
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month; National; Canadian Society of Intestinal Research
National Narz Awareness Month
National Primary Immunodeficiency Awareness Month - (The Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) www.primaryimmune.org)
National Oral Health Month; National; Canadian Dental Association
National 30-hour Famine; National; World Vision Canada
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Parkinson Awareness Month; National; Parkinson Society Canada
Sarcoidosis Awareness Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
Volunteer Appreciation Month
Awareness Day:
April 1 - Youth Homelessness Matters Day
April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day (Recognized by the UN)
April 7 - World Health Day (Recognized by the UN)
April 8 - National Gifted Education Awareness Day in Ireland
April 12 - International Day for Street Children
April 17 - World Hemophilia Day (Recognized by the UN)
April 17 - International Hemophilia Day; International; Canadian Hemophilia Society
April 22 - Earth Day
April 25 - World Meningitis Day; International; Meningitis Research Foundation of Canada
April 25 - World Malaria Day, recognized by the WHO
April 29 - International Make-A-Wish Day; International; Make-A-Wish Foundation of Canada
April 29 - World Primary Immunodeficiency Day (Canada)
Awareness Week For:
2nd Saturday of April - Sarcoidosis Awareness Day
13 - 19 National Dental Hygiene Week; National; Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
20- 27 - National Organ Donor Awareness Week; National; Canadian Association of Transplantation
2nd Wk - World Homeopathy Awareness Week; International; World Homeopathy Awareness Week
3rd Wk - National Medical Laboratory Week; National; Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)
3rd Wk - National Volunteer Week; National; Volunteer Canada
Awareness Dates for May
Awareness Month For:
Arthritis Month
Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month
Better Sleep Month
Better Speech and Hearing Month
Cystic fibrosis Awareness Month AUSTRALIA & USA Leelee
Celiac Awareness Month
Correct Posture Month
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS)
Fibromyalgia Awareness
Foot Health Month
Lyme Disease Awareness Month
Mental Health Month
National Mobility Awareness Month - Annual celebration encouraging people with disabilities to enjoy active, mobile lifestyles - www.mobilityawarenessmonth.com
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
National High Blood Pressure Month
Older Americans Month
Awareness Day:
May 5 - Cri du Chat Syndrome Day (www.fivepminus.org)
May 5 - International Midwives Day
May 6 - International Awareness Day for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bones)
May 7 - Bladder Cancer Awareness Day
May 8 - World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
May 10 - World Lupus Day
May 12 - International Nurses Day
May 15 - International Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) Awareness Day
May 15 - International Day of Families (Recognized by the UN)
May 18 - International AIDS Vaccine Day
May 18 - International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
May 19 - World Hepatitis Day
May 19th - Schizencephaly Awareness Day
May 20 - International Behcet's Disease Awareness Day
May 20 - World Autoimmune Arthritis Day, sponsored by the International Autoimmune Arthritis Movement
May 22 - International Day for Biological Diversity (Recognized by the UN)
May 31 - World No Tobacco Day (Recognized by the UN)
Awareness Week For:
Week surrounding May 5 - International Cri du Chat Syndrome Awareness Week (www.fivepminus.org)
1st Tuesday of May - World Asthma Day
2nd Sunday of May - International Mothers' Day
2nd Week in May - Williams Syndrome Awareness Week (www.williams-syndrome.org/volunteer/awareness-resources)
Awareness Dates for June
Awareness Month For:
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS) Awareness Month
Audiobook Month
National Hunger Awareness Month
Awareness Day:
June 1 - International Children's Day
June 6 - Hunger Day
June 8 - World Brain Tumour Day
June 14 - World Blood Donor Day (Recognized by the UN)
June 19 - World Sickle Cell Day, by UN Resolution
June 20 - World Refugee Day (Recognized by the UN)
June 27 - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day
Awareness Dates for July
Awareness Month For:
National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month (NCCAPM)
Awareness Day:
July 1 - Doctor's Day,Bidhan Chandra Roy Birth Day
1st Saturday of July - International Day of Cooperatives (Recognized by the UN)
July 16 - Disability (ADA) Awareness Day
July 28 - World Hepatitis Day
Awareness Week For:
Last Friday of July - System Administrator Appreciation Day
Awareness Dates for August
Awareness Month For:
Cataract Awareness Month
Children's Eye Health and Safety Month
Children's Vision and Learning Month
Don't be a Bully Month
Immunization Awareness Month, Natl
Neurosurgery Outreach Month
Never Leave a Child Unattended in a Car, Purple Ribbon Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
Studious Behavior Awareness Month
Awareness Day:
August 1 - Clergy Sexual Abuse Awareness Day US & International
August 13 - International Lefthanders Day
Awareness Dates for September
Awareness Month For:
Chiari Awareness Month
National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month
U.S. National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month - U.S. Senate Resolution 533 designates September 2014 as National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month
Emergency Care Month
National Children Cancer Awareness Month
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
National Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month
National Tumor Awareness Month
National Sight Saving Month
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
National Cholesterol Awareness Month
National Recovery Month
National Baby Safety Month
Women of Achievement Month
Awareness Day:
September 4 - World Cerebral Palsy Day (List of Famous People with Cerebral Palsy)
September 7th - Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - The first World Duchenne Awareness Day will take place 7 Sept 2014. Duchenne patients and organisations all over the world will participate in order to raise awareness for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
September 9 - International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day (FASD) (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Children)
September 10 - World Suicide Prevention Day
September 11 - World First Aid Day
September 21st - Myositis Awareness Day - Designated by U.S. Congress
September 25 - International Ataxia Awareness Day
September 28 - World Rabies Day
Awareness Week For:
National Rehabilitation Awareness Week - (Actual Date Subject to Change Each Year)
Awareness Dates for October
Awareness Month For:
Disability Employment Awareness Month
Diversity Awareness Month
Diarrhea Awareness Month
Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month - (www.e-ii.org)
Hunger Awareness Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Depression Education and Awareness Month
National Health Care Food Service Month
National AIDS Awareness Month
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Month
National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Spina bifida awareness month
Vaccine Injury Awareness Month
Vegetarian Awareness Month
Awareness Day:
October 1 - International Day of Older Persons (Recognized by the UN)
October 1 - World Vegetarian Day
October 7th - International Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day
October 8 - World Humanitarian Action Day
October 9 - World Hospice and Palliative Care Day
October 10 - World Mental Health Day - Established by The World Federation of Mental Health
October 10 - World Day Against Death Penalty, recognized by the WCADP
October 13 - Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day
Oct 14 - Global Food Protein Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) Day
October 15 - World Blind Day / World Sight Day
October 15 - International Day of Rural Women (Recognized by the UN)
October 15 - Global Handwashing Day
October 16 - World Food Day (Recognized by the UN)
October 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (Recognized by the UN)
October 22 - International Stuttering Awareness Day
October 25 - Spina Bifida Awareness Day
October 25 - Hydrocephalus Day
October 25 - 31 - International Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week
Awareness Dates for November
Awareness Month For:
COPD Awareness Month
Dercum's Disease (Adiposis Dolorosa) Awareness month
Good Nutrition Month
National Epilepsy Month
National Diabetes Awareness Month
National Red Ribbon Month (anti-drunkdriving)
National Hospice Month
National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
National Prematurity Awareness Month
Vegan Awareness Month
Awareness Day:
November 1 - World Vegan Day
November 1 - Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Awareness Day - Recognized by the LGS Foundation, a national 501(c)3 organization, as the official awareness day for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.
November 10 - World Immunization Day
November 14 - World Diabetes Day (Recognized by the UN)
November 16 - International Day for Tolerance (Recognized by the UN)
November 20 - Universal Children's Day (Recognized by the UN)
November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (Recognized by the UN)
Awareness Week For:
National Radiologic Technology Week(R) - Celebrated annually to recognize the vital work of R.T.s across the nation. The celebration takes place each November to commemorate the anniversary of the x-ray's discovery by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on Nov. 8, 1895. Learn more www.asrt.org/nrtw
Third Sunday of November - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (Recognized by the UN)
Awareness Dates for December
Awareness Month For:
AIDS Awareness Month
Constipation Awareness Month
Universal Human Rights Month
Awareness Day:
December 1 - World Aids Day (Recognized by the UN)
December 3 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities (Recognized by the UN)
December 10 - Human Rights Day (Recognized by the UN)
- See more at: http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/awareness/awareness-dates.php#sthash.mxzM1zwO.dpuf